30 Minute Guided Audio Meditation practice. Simple, effective and essential for mental and emotional self-mastery.
Detach and reclaim vital energy from negative and toxic people, issues, events and fearful narratives. A key practice for radiant health.
Cultivate and strengthen mind-body-spirit energy with this simple 20 minute breath and movement practice.
This gentle self-healing practice will help you neutralize stress, heal quickly and balance your energy.
Sara Lipton, NYC
“I have increased my ability to focus, and to let go of thoughts, narratives, and events that are not serving me. Overall, this work has shaped my ability to perform under pressure and to leave stress at the door in order to do my best work.”
Maurice Peress, Maestro
Thanks to Ron, at age 85 I am rehearsing and performing regularly. Ron Navarre continues to keep my life's work, making music, possible.
Jordan Lemus, NY
“Qi qong serves to center me, grounding me to the here and now, making me more aware of my body, my emotions and my inner mind."
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What is included in the Struggling Gracefully Course?
Struggling Gracefully includes 10 video lessons and 4 essential health practices.
What benefits can I expect from this training?
- Neutralize anxiety and stress
- Strengthens the immune system
- Recover faster from illness and injury
- More energy
- Improved balance
- Better sleep
- Sharper focus
- Improved memory and recall
- Heightened awarness
- Enhanced problem solving and decision making
- Learn anything faster with less effort
- Detach and reclaim energy from negative people
- Greater sense of authority and command
How long does it take to begin working?
All Stress Defense tools and techniques work within seconds of activating them. Once you understand the principles and have become familiar with the practices, you can initiate an immediate shift in your state of being using the tools you already posses. Conscious breathing, focus and intention are the core of each practice. The key to maintaining a balanced, energized state is awareness and repetition. You can train yourself to notice subtle changes in your energy, mood and body and take decisive action to ground and center yourself with very little effort throughout your day. Knowing how to clear your mind and center yourself in the present is a priceless tool that will serve you in every area of your work and your life.
What is Rei Qong?
Rei Qong is a gentle self-healing practice.
Rei Qong was created initially for cancer and post-surgical patients who were too weak to exercise but needed a gentle way to activate their internal energy for healing. It has also been taught to all types of people, young and old, healthy and infirmed who found the benefits to be universally effective for reducing stress, increasing energy and for speeding up the healing response of the body. It is comprised of seven powerful modalities that can be used individually or combined to create a complete and fluid practice.
“The Rei Qong practice is a wonderful experience! It is fascinating how your condition changes from massive stress to harmony and inner peace during the course of the session, which continues for a long time afterwards. The technique permanently changes how you deal with your body and mind in everyday life and is an indispensable tool for staying healthy and energetic in today's world." Claudia Fischer, Gerontologist
What is Qi Qong?
Qi (breath energy) Qong (practice)
Also known as Chinese Yoga, is a gentle breath and movement practice based on the principle of internal energy (qi) cultivation. QI Qong has been taught as part of Traditional Chinese medicine and as an aid in healing and strengthening the body, harmonizing the emotions and calming the mind. The practice is simple, easy to follow, can be practiced anywhere and requires little space.
Should I learn how to meditate? is it difficult?
YES, Meditation is an essential tool for stress reduction, pain managment and peak performance.
Meditation is not difficult, in fact it is very simple. Meditation is the practice of focusing on a single object of attention for a period of time. When you focus on a single object for a period of time (even for one minute) you give your mind a chance to rest, your body to relax and your energy to balance.
Meditation will increase mental endurance, the ability to focus clearly and efficiently. It is an effective tool for chronic pain managment and has been medically proven to lower blood pressure and reduce hypertension.
The Stress Defense Guided Audio Meditation is included in both the First Aid Package, the Struggling Gracefully course and can also be purchased separately as a stand alone practice.
Can this course help me cope with the stress of illness and injury?
Absolutely! Staying healthy and maintaining a strong immune system is your first defense against any disease.
Health and healing are energy dependent. You need sufficient quantity and quality of energy to repair the body and ward off external pathogens. The REI QONG practice is a gentle self-healing practice that will enable you to strengthen your internal energy (qi) and restore a greater sense of balance of mind-body-energy. The Rei Qong practice is included in the Struggling Gracefully course and can also be purchased as a stand alone module.
Having an effective self-care practice is essential. The Stress Defense Guided Meditation Practice is another effective tool that will help you clear your mind, calm your heart and neutralize anxiety and stress.
How can Struggling Gracefully reduce stress on a daily basis?
The Struggling Gracefully course is designed to teach you how to neutralize stress quickly by learning how to soften, breathe and focus correctly.
Stress reactions can be neutralized with focused breathing and grounding techniques. Centering the mind in the body in the present moment will effectivly neutralize anxiety and the fear of the imagined future. Concious breathing can also be used to discharge fear and excess negative energy from the physical body.
Struggling Gracefully techniques are simple and when practiced with frequency throughout your day are the most effective way to reduce anxiety and stress.
Can I use the Detachment practice to protect myself from other people’s fear and negative energy?
YES! The DETACHMENT practice included in the Struggling Gracefully Course is an effective method for protecting yourself from negative people, issues and events.
An attachment is an exchange of energy between two people, or an investment of energy and spirit in an issue, event or object. WIth people, the exchange of energy can become negative and toxic even with some one you love. Learning how to identify, detach and disconncet temporarliy or permanently from unhealthy relationships, issues and events is central to Stress Defense and learning how to Struggle Gracefully. Detaching empowers you with a clear boundary and a safe space within yourself.
Here is what several students have to say about the Detachment practice.
*“I performed the detachment ritual against my anxiety about the virus. Immediately, I felt a lighter sensation spread throughout my body. My brain felt like mint, fresh and tingly with clear thought.” Cymia James
“Detachment is something that I practice quite frequently now. I try to utilize detachment whenever something in my life is bothering me and I need to devote all of my attention to something else. It is incredibly useful, and a tool I am very grateful to have.” Tristan Villeneuve *
How much does it cost?
Less than a single Doctors visit.
The Struggling Gracefully course is $197 and includes lifetime access and free updates at no extra cost.
You can stream the course online from any internet connected device or download the practices directly to your computer and take the practice offline.
How do I access The Struggling Gracefully Course?
After you purchase the course you will be directed to a password page. Write down the unlock code for your course!
Once you have your unlock code go to the page and enter your unlock code:
You can access the page from the link below.